
Friday, October 29, 2004

The Things We Take For Granted

When I first moved to FL, my personal life was renewed. I now had it all. Sunshine, reading material, apt pool, good music. Then life got even better! I met the man of my dreams.

Long sultry summerlike days, some of them beachside.. long sultry summerlike nights, most of them steamy.
Voracious reading, dancing around the house to a reggae tune...

Fast forward 3 years and we're both working way too hard for way too little. My tan is fading, the books are few & far between. I'm beginning to give away the cd's, from disuse.

Then you have a day like today when everything slows down to the speed of life.
I sleep in to a decadent 9 am.
I email at my leisure, and co-rant w/ the faithful few about Dubyah the Anti-Christ. I smear on tanning oil & hit the backyard w/ a rum & coke.
My reggae brothers croon to me in the background, as I read Carl Haiisen's 'Basket Case'.
Sheer fluff for a sheerly don't-have-to-be-nowhere-day.

And I 'breathe' without the clutch in my belly, or the checking of the clock, or the jangle of the phone.
These were the days I once took for granted. But now they are Blessed & I am more than ever in-the-moment of gratitude for them.

"You put the lime in the coconut & shake it all around.."
Wishing you & yours an erie day, mon.
Ahhhhhh, I'm on the lanai with you in spirit -- pass me another rum & coke! Sounds like a well-deserved wonderful day -- enjoy!
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