
Sunday, November 07, 2004

Authoring My Life

Metaphysically speaking, we are all authors of our own life stories. Every person, every situation, every nuance, every chance encounter, every high peak of happiness, every sad detail of disappointment.. Everything. We create it all. Then when we find ourselves in the dark morass of deep doo-doo, we act surprised, asking ourselves, "how in the world did this happen?!"
We needed the 'high drama' sweetie..

I am entertained when I read Michael's blog (www.michaelgryan.blogspot.com), & he writes of his favorite soap opera. We are ALL involved in our own soap opera.. everyday. We create the twists & turns, the mysteries, the romances, the novellas, the convolutions of a good 'whodunit'.. all authored by you.

With this premise in mind, how would you entitle your life story?
I'm trying on a few for size.
Like, "Running With The Wolves; My dating life"
Or "The Incredible Lightness of Menopausal Weight Gain"
Perhaps "A Course In Miracles; How I managed to survive for 5+ decades"
Ergo "An Idiot's Guide to Living La Vida Loca"
Hmmmmm.. 'Da Vinci Code; Setting your VCR'
'Who Moved The Cheese; a consumers guide to ridding flatulance'.
You know, the list is truly endless.
So how would you title your life?

For today mine would be, 'Girlfriends, I Am Blessed!'
Have a happy Sunday. Is it naptime yet?
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