
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Pardon me..

Excuse me while I spew my diet coke across the computer screen. There are some things that just anger me beyond thought & reason. King George W. is one of those hapless 'things'. Everything he does & says grates on me like chewing on aluminum foil. The man gives me the willies..

Today when I read that he basically had nothing to say about the Asian disaster, except to defend throwing a few paltry dollars at them, & he would continue to brush-hog his land & ride his bike.. 'Because actions speak louder than words & I don't grab camera time & say things like 'I feel your pain'.. oh dear god.

Go ahead & brush your hogs, in fact go ahead & clear cut that land, burn it up, like you plan on doing to the rest of nature. But for the love of Pete don't put down the man who was always first to express his sadness during times of international & national mourning. He attended the funerals of the victims of the Okla. City bombings. He was our representative when we needed him most. You, monkey-boy.. are just a cosmic joke who embarrasses us all on every level.

So pardon me, while I chew on some Rolaids & try to calm the roiling in the pit of my stomach.
54,000,000 others feel your pain...too bad they were outshadowed by 59,000,000 nitwits who are either too ignorant to read their news instead of watch it, or too scared from Rummy's "the liberals will put terrorists under your bed" crap-ass tactics.

Agreed -- Bush has lost even MORE respect from me (and believe me, I did not think this was possible) on his handling of the tsunami disaster. GENERATIONS of people have died. ENTIRE TOWNS have been leveled. The death toll is climbing towards 100,000...and he's more concerned with making sure his Cowboy Party goes on as scheduled on Jan. 20th.

Bush would have *gained* respect in my book (a sentence I never thought I'd utter) if he had said, "You know what, this Inaguration doesn't need to be so lavish. Let's send $20 million of the alloted $40 million to Asia to help them out."

Goddamn...people think this man is an outstanding, moral, Christian. Someone, please explain this to me!

Pass the Rolaids, Sande. Share the wealth.
Hey "cherokee princess" :) Can't wait to start reading your blog!
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