
Sunday, January 02, 2005

What Next?

The headlines get more Orwellian with each passing day. And I amaze myself by my ability to still be shocked by some of the unreal happenings in this 'Bushit' era. Today the paper talked about how we are seeking secret places to keep political prisoners detained 'for life'. Admittedly, they have no further use to us; we have tortured every single piece of information from them. But we aren't quite ready to let them go. So the rules must change & it must be 'okay' to hold these poor souls (now 6000 & upwards) until they die. Without enough charges proven against them to ever bring them to court, we will bless our own method of punishment.

The whole thought just numbs me. These men & women (and no doubt, children) are simply guilty of whatever the CIA has contrived against them. No charges filed, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.. and for that, they will die.

Think back a couple of hundred years to our Revolutionary heros. These fellows were INSURRGENTS, folks! They were the REBELS that bucked against the system & won our so-called 'freedoms'. They mutinied, resisted, defied, disobeyed, REVOLTED & were labeled terrorists by their mother country. And so began our secession & the development of Democracy (or shades of what it could have been). Who do we think we are to try & recreate the colonization of our 'empire' in a soverign country like Iraq?

Shame on us.. and God help us to see a light in this dismal quagmire.
How is it that we have become such an inhumane nation? What the hell happened?
I hate to say it, but doesn't it seem like the more "Christian" our nation becomes, the more evil we really are?

I saw that headline this morning, too, Sande...and it made me equally as sick. I can't believe these are the headlines that are starting our new year.

Heaven help us all. And, one day, let's hope the masses realize their effect on the world. WALK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG STICK should never be replaced with BULLDOZE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PATH FOR THE NAME OF "DEMOCRACY."

Thanks for your heartfelt thoughts Amer.. I completely honor & celebrate your beliefs. But then, I honor ALL beliefs & trust that we can all be happy w/ whatever 'Map' we choose for our Path. I am happy for Islam, for Buddhism, for Hinduism, Taoism, Shinto, Wiccans, New Age. We all carry our truths that reasonate within us. And we're all children of whatever we know as 'God'.
Thanks for sharing.. I enjoyed your comments.
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