
Friday, June 10, 2005

What IS it all about?

Due to a severe lack of anything profound on my mind today (I'm blaming it on the falling barometer & a late nap), I'm using part of an article I read in a new environmental magazine out now, called 'Yes!'.(Printed in Bainbridge Island, WA; the content is always good).

So Swami Beyondananda says it's time to declare all out peace. Declare an Emerge 'n See. Get away from the dogma-eat-dogma world class fear trap.
He says it makes sense to take up arms against warfare.. lift up your arms & embrace anything that nourishes peace. We have met the Saviour & he is us!

"Hold this vision with me please: Leaders of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindus, & Buddhists too, all doing the Hokey Pokey.
They put their whole selves in.. that is commitment. They pull their whole selves out.. that is detachment. They turn themselves around.. that is transformation.
What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about??"
Hmmmm, I like the notion of embracing anything "peace." Sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy type thing.

And, now the hokey pokey's taken on a whole new light!
Well..thats a good way to put it..strange..but interesting..I've never looked at it like being the "Hokey Pokey"...

Have a great weekend and may His Spirit walk every step with you.

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