
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Counting on St Joseph

Last Sunday, Mari.. my lovely dtr-in-law, told me I should buy a St Joseph statue or medallion & bury it in my backyard. By doing that, I would insure my house being sold. Wow.. amazing how that works. Now granted, she was raised Catholic, & that may have more 'pull' than a kid raised in tent revivals amongst those dancing-in-the-Spiritfolk. But what the hey.. in this day of boutique religiosity.. I'm willing to try it all.
1st I had to check it out thru another Catholic source, because those saints can be confusing, don't you think? I wouldn't want to accidentally call upon St Anthony the patron saint of lost causes, now would I?
So I went to Tammy, my dtrs best friend.. & lo & behold, we had the right saint. In fact, if you Google 'St Joseph sell-your-house-kit' you get a buttload.. err.. treasure trove of kits for under $10. What a deal! Kind of makes wish I'd come here before going to all the trouble of finding a realtor, etc.
Anyway, I knew I didn't have time to go thru all the channels of buying said kit, yadda yadda. This house needs to sell pronto!
So I went the charasmatic route, & made a print copy of St Joseph.
I figure it's the 'faith' that makes it work.. so this should suffice.
Making said copy, I folded it 3X.. my lucky # (numerology).. & buried it in the SW corner of the backyard, where Feng Shui says our 'prosperity' corner lies. That should about cover all the major belief factors.

People! I am good to go! As long as the pesky squirrels don't dig up my Saint.. this place is as good as sold. And I will be the 1st to sing his praises from the rooftop.
Now, someone tell me what the 'Novena' is that goes w/ him.. I'm hoping a Unity prayer will work just as well.
Ahhh, a blog after my own Catholic heart! Ha, I knew exactly what you were talking about...and even knew one prays to St. Anthony when one loses things before you finished that sentence.

So, you've combined Catholicism, Feng Shui, and numerology...lady, that house of yours is going to sell like a hotcake!
Here's hoping so! I'd do the Full Moon Nekked Goddess Dance in the backyard, if it would help. Unfortunately it would probably get me arrested. Too many danged Mennonites around here..

I'll keep you posted on whether I'm ready to convert or not..
I'm into naked dancing, esp in the rain!! I mowed in the rain this week, even in a white tshirt w/ no bra (b/c of a sunburn).. anyway,,, i'll put out st josesph bottle of used asprin in my back yard for house to sell!! i want you in tenn NOW!!
hahaha... I can see that bottle of aspirin now. Thanks for your support!
I'll do a full moon naked dance for you I want you in Tn too.I once found a house I wanted and peed in the backyard to make it mine I got it the next day.I love that J put the asprin bottle out.
I hope all works out for you this weekend. I'm visualizing a sold sign in front of your house.
Hey we were posting on each others blog at the same time I think thats funny. Love you
Peeing on the property! Damn, why didn't I think of that?? It works for animals in the wild.. so why wouldn't it work for we domesticated ones?

Tomorrow is an Open House.. I am 'OPEN' to selling this place!
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