
Monday, August 22, 2005

I Am One With the Box

Can one develop an allergy to cardboard? Hells Belles I am so tired of bending over these infernal boxes. They never end.. & still I see more & more 'stuff' to pack. And then I aggravate myself when I find like, an extra pair of shoes in the closet, when the 'shoe' box has been taped shut & stacked on top of, w/ the 't-shirt' box for a week now. There's no going back to re-pack a pr of shoes. So I'm left w/ the dilemma.. how much do you love those shoes? Can you give them to Goodwill.. or throw them out.. or burn them.. or start a new box for 'everything-you-didn't-get-right-the-first-time'? And why is this even a pressing question on my wee mind right now??
Packing does this to you.. just zaps those brain cells right outta your noggin. And then you have to look around for brain cells.. where to pack them.. yadda yadda.

Meanwhile Dan has thrown out 1/2 his clothes. How do men DO that? Just toss those nice suits, shirts, slacks right out to the Goodwill bin. I have to angst over my clothing.. especially those not worn since the 80's. I mean, will they come back in style? Do I donate them to a theater group, who specialize in the 'gaudy'? Or do I imagine any of my family members appreciating them as much as I did? Probably not..
And what about the 2 closets of clothing in a size I will never in this lifetime fit into again.. unless I am stricken w/ consumption, or have my ass amputated in a really bad accident. I'm sorry, hope springs eternal & reality dies a slow death. I'm keeping those size 4's.. just to whip myself emotionally w/, if nothing else. 'See those, you fat ass cow? You used to wear those.. Don't argue w/ me, I have photos.' You know, healthy dialogue like that.
So Dan now has 6 outfits & so do I in actuality.. but my boxes say I have clothing out the wazoo. Lucky me!

The cats are slinking among the boxes, very suspicious of what is going on. Cats are Republicans, they hate change. And this one is the mother-of-all-change for them. I pray we survive the 12 hr drive w/ their weeping & wailing & gnashing of teeth.
It's either going to be them on drugs, or us.

OK, that's the end of my break. Back to the boxes.. back to the wrapping & packing.. and where is that faint 'mee-ow' coming from? Well, too bad, there's already boxes stacked on top of that one.
Your blogs are always soooo funny!! I adore the way you write. Man, I'm wiping tears from my eyes.

GOOD LUCK getting things in order. Packing sucks. But, just think of how easy unpacking is in comparison...and, you'll be unpacking in a place you love. Viva la TN.
Ok.. OK.. I am walking away.. I am no longer 'running w/ scissors..'
I am leaving the boxes sitting in the hallway, stacked to the ceiling.
But still, they are calling to me..
"Come.. fill me.. tape me.. stack me..".
It's so hard. Sob..
Thank you for the intervention!
Can one really have one's ass amputated? Where do I sign up for that? Look Sande, if it has not graced your body in say the last two years, then just GET RID OF IT. :)
Take lots of breaks and don't pack the liquor, you may need some if you don't find the source of that meow.

Also, I vote for drugging the cats. Worked like a charm for me when I moved 12 hours away.
Geez, I started hyperventilating just thinking of 'getting rid of stuff'. But I will take your advice on the liquor packing hold-off. ;o)
I hate to say this, but before it is over with you will have tons of boxes that are labelled, "not real sure, but may just be junk." You too will find yourself actually throwing stuff away. I have heard that this is good to get rid of old stuff as it invites in the new. Hmmmmm.....don't forget ebay.
Hyperventilating, huh, well what you do in case as that is you tell your partner to have fun filling the trash cans and you go out on a three day drunk with the girls. Then when you get back, there will be less clutter, and a lot of crying. :)
I can't begin to tell you the number of times we had to remove a cat from an empty box before we could fill it....or an almost full box before we could tape it closed....boxes and cats are like me and chocolate...just can't keep us away from each other!

On our 18 hour trip with 3 cats and a guinea pig...Butchy got the quiet end of the deal, the guinea pig. I got the dischordant trio...oh joy. They let me know the whole trip over that they were NOT enjoying their carriers and they were positive that it was abuse for them to be in them, rather than roaming the car. I do wish I had taken our old girl out of hers...turns out she couldn't stand up in hers....took awhile for her to work her kinks out.

We did all make it in one piece....even my eardrums were still whole.
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