
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Movie recommendation

So much of what we see & read is just mental-fluff. And I'm aware of that as I read an inane novel every couple of days, & watch DVD's via Netflix, that are forgotten as soon as viewed. I figure that time spent is not totally wasted.. it gives us a view of human nature, if nothing else.

But once in awhile something comes along that knocks our socks off.. awakens us to new depths & heights of discovery. Something that calls to some tender shoot in our subconscious that whispers, 'look at this.. listen to this.'
And the movie I watched today hit me right in the solar plexus. It's called 'Born into Brothels'. A documentary filmed in India by an Indie photographer, who originally goes there to film the life of women in the Red Light district. She lives among the women.. great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, & daughters. Young girls as young as 7,8,9 yrs old being sold/traded/initiated into joining their family members 'on the line'.. where men, mostly drunk or on drugs or both, come to choose the small, most innocent & immature-appearing 'on the line', to garner sexual pleasures.
The photographer gets to know some of these children & sets up a class to teach them the rudiments of taking pictures. Kids who have never seen a camera before, discover their innate talents of composition, lighting, features, etc. Breath-taking photos are produced, & end up being shown around the world. Getting involved with their personal lives, she tries to further their education & get them out of the destructive 'death' of brothels.
It's a facinating journey, & you become so attached to these beautiful big brown-eyed wunderkins. Full of hope & promise, dreams & ideals. Children of the Universe.
I do hope you rent it, and say a prayer for children like them all over the world. And then a word of gratitude that your own children are safe in their homes.
Amazing footage!!
I've wanted to see this! Thanks for the review.
This film will break your heart.. the personalities of the little girls. They could all be little Cherokees..
I'll have to check that out! Thanks for the review. Also for visiting my blog. Glad to hear you get a chuckle out of me and my quirky writings! I love your little intro piece. Unfortunately, my Native American heritage is lost to me aside from what I can glean form books and so on. That side of my family has no interest in it now that the last full blood has passed.
But your heritage lives on in your DNA & that's pretty cool!
Link TV shows a lot of stuff like this. More people need to be aware of it, at least.
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