
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Support for Cindy

Word on the street is interesting today. Appears that Rove is trying to pull a 'Joe Wilson' & find some crap on Cindy Sheehan, our activist mom squatting on the Crawford ranch. 'The Grudge Report' states she once had good things to say about Bush.. big whoo! Now that's a nat'l crime if I ever heard one.
If that's the best they can come up w/.. good gravy.
Word is that she'll be arrested on Thursday, because Little Dubbie's gotta go out & make some $ for the hungry GOPers. Because his limo has to pass in front of Cindy, she will be labeled a 'NATIONAL SECURITY RISK!' & arrested. Yeah, that would raise those terror colors to about a nice shade of pink, I would think. She might be tempted to throw a sneaker at the bullet proof vehicle, & we can't have that risk. If I were her, I'd be throwing the contents of my latrine at the buffoon.

You can keep apprised of the latest, on this website;
Cindy is one of the founding members of 'Gold Star Families for Peace'
I wish I could be there in TX w/ her! But for now, I'll send her my best wishes & surround her w/ protective light. She'll need it when the demon-from-hell drives by.
Ahhhh, free speech and the right of protest...providing it's not negatively (or truthfully) aimed at Georgie.

I'll be right next to you, Sande, and I'll be sending this woman all the supportive and protective energy I can muster.
It's good to know that someone is taking the fight directly to Bush. Well done Cindy and keep it going.

What the hell are the Democrats doing? Now is the time to be bold and be as equally brave. They've got to start now or some other Republican bozzo will be in the White House in a couple of years.
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