
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Jesus! Maybe churches are waking up..

U.S. church alliance denounces Iraq war


-- A coalition of American churches sharply denounced the U.S.-led war in Iraq on Saturday, accusing Washington of "raining down terror" and apologizing to other nations for "the violence, degradation and poverty our nation has sown."

The statement, issued at the largest gathering of Christian churches in nearly a decade, also warned the United States was pushing the world toward environmental catastrophe with a "culture of consumption" and its refusal to back international accords seeking to battle global warming.

"We lament with special anguish the war in Iraq, launched in deception and violating global norms of justice and human rights," said the statement from representatives of the 34 U.S. members of World Council of Churches. "We mourn all who have died or been injured in this war. We acknowledge with shame abuses carried out in our name."
It's about time some REAL Christians stood up and took the spotlight. My goodness, their whole religion has been hijacked by radicals, and there's little-to-no documented resistance from them.

This is very refreshing.
I agree with missworld, but why have they taken so long. In terms of Christian ethics, the writing was on the wall years ago. I'm also glad that there are Christians who do not subscribe to Pat Robinson's interpretation of the Bible.
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