
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Making Mr. Rove's ''Best 'Yess-ed' List"

Rove Threatens Republican Senators... Support The President On Wiretapping Or Else...
Insight Magazine | February 6, 2006 at 10:58 PM

The White House has been twisting arms to ensure that no Republican member votes against President Bush in the Senate Judiciary Committee's investigation of the administration's unauthorized wiretapping.

Congressional sources said Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove has threatened to blacklist any Republican who votes against the president. The sources said the blacklist would mean a halt in any White House political or financial support of senators running for re-election in November.
How can ANY of this possibly be legal?? Good lord.

If I ran the circus, it'd be a much different show. This is just madness how far gone the corruption road Bush is going.
And who does KKKarl think he is anyway.. he's headed for the hoosegow w/ the CIA 'outing' investigation. Apparently he still thinks he's 'heir-apparent'to the throne.
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