
Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday's News & Blues..

Heatwave! It's 35 here now.. & it's gray. I'm suffering S.A.D., no doubt. (seasonal affective disorder). We knew this would come, moving away from the Disney-state of eternal bliss & sunshine. But it still hits you in the 'solar' plexus when you search the skies for any sign of the weary orb that warms our world, to no avail.
On the upside, the birds are clueless to this melancholy.. & are singing their hearts out, trying to awaken the sap in the trees.. preparing for a glorious spring. So hurry up already!

On the homefront, our plumbing is balking. Sometimes yes.. cha-ching! Do a little victory chicken-dance around the commode. Other times.. sorry, maybe next flush buddy. And a tiny part of your soul is diminished.
The things we take for granted, huh?

And on the national front, Cheney's approval is at 29%. What 29% of foolery is backing this bozo?? 99.9% of my GOP friends (& yes, they're out there) say this man is just mean & evil. The 'rules' they just keep a changin' for the White House, eh? Whether to 'classify' or 'de-classify', that is the question.

On the world front, here's praying more survivors will be found in the Philippines today. A hopeful report that sounds are coming from the mud-covered school building..
Joining positive thoughts w/ yours..

Happy Monday!
Yikes, I bet a FL to grey move is quite a shock to the system. Hope the sun starts shining for you soon!

(and apparently 29% of Americans don't have access to news reports, or functioning brains)
What are you complaing about, woman. I live close to Manchester and the Pennines, and we have a saying round here, - if you can see the hills then it's going to rain, if you can't then it is raining.

Anyway, Florida is just too hot. Welcome to weather. Take your cue from the birds and enjoy it.
And hey! You have a country w/o Bush which automatically quadruples it's value!
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