
Saturday, May 06, 2006


People, if.. no WHEN you have a spare hr & 20 minutes, PLEASE watch this video called 'Loose Change'. It will sicken & appall you. It will enrage & inflame you, as well it should.
I sat back while the Warren Commission told lies about the Kennedy assassination, thinking surely my country wouldn't mislead me, would it?
But this time I'm speaking out & sharing this w/ whoever will watch & listen. We've been fed the pablum too long. Someone needs to impeach this entire administration! NOW!!!

I was extermely outraged, but I pretty much had all of this figured out from many other sources. If this country ever wakes up and smells the truth, then maybe we can throw all of these lying, cheating, killing bastards in prison.
Personally I can't wait to get rid of them, because it will lower my blood pressure.
It does seem that people are swallowing less and less the lies they are being told. Perhaps in that is where we will find salvation
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