
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Without warrant..

This tragedy is what is facing our female soldiers..
My ex-husband was in Gulf War I, & talked about how a co-ed situation threw women to the mercy of their commanders. (including him, as it turned out.. but I digress)
At that time, women were given injections of a 'new' 6 month birth control, which would make them not have periods for 6 months (just a nuisance to those oficers seeking sex, don't you know..)
This form of BC turned out to be quite a horror in the hormonal imbalances of a LOT of female soldiers. For some, it allowed them to become pregnant, but aborted the embryo. For others, the BC action continued for up to 18 months, rather than the stated 6 mo.
The gov't 'played' w/ women's sexual lives, for their own benefits.

Be that here or there.. this woman needs our support in a letter campaign for her 'warrant-less' arrest. 3 times in Iraq in a 4 yr period is ENOUGH! Send over the Bushit twins.. or the Cheney girls..
This soldier has paid her dues.
Good grief.

There was an Israeli soldier who refused service, and she cited Feminist reasons. She listed off reasons why no woman should be forced to serve (military service is mandatory there) in an army - mainly because of the rapes and sexual harassment.

This family should fly that woman's lawyer into Oregon to start work for them.
"A strongly patriarchal institution like the army underlines female marginality, on the one hand, and the superiority of male-identified values on the other. It might be said that a mood of sexual harassment is endemic to a patriarchal and hierarchical organization like the army. And so, the demand that a woman enlist is tantamount to demanding that she cope with sexual harassment within an environment that encourages such harassment."

Full Story Here
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