
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Making the big bucks..


Ok folks, I thought it was a joke.. Getting paid for blogging. Only people like Dooce (who has the savvy to market the system), makes $$ enough to live on, right?
Well, it aint necessarily so. Because here I am in podunk, USA and voila! I just got my 1st paycheck from PayPerPost. Granted, I won't be paying off the mortgage w/ it, & it may not even finance the thick-burger at Hardees.. but it's on the up & up.
So now I have this incentive to see if things that I would normally say anyway, might just bring in some pocket change for the 'cruise' fund.
If you care to join me on my way to the life of the rich & infamous.. check out their website.
Meanwhile, I hope this $5 doesn't burn a hole in my pocket.
Do you get $ for comments?
Because if so...
...I'll be sure...
...to write more.
That missworld is too funny (and maybe savvy!)...
Groovy idea, I'll have to check it out!
I'm not sure it's for me. Sounds a bit like hard work - something I've tried to avoid all my life.
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