
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Saturday Salutations..

It's hard to believe that it's July already. These lazy hazy crazy daze of summer..
We have now gone thru all 4 seasons of east TN & are still as in love w/ it as the day we 1st laid eyes on her. The 'seasons' were probably what drew us here in the 1st place.. having not experienced them in many moons. I do not even count my MO. time as 'seasonal' since they only had 2.. severe summer & extreme winter. Before that short period of self-inflicted solitude, my time had been in AZ & afterwards in FL. Gorgeous yr round, but no changes.
So to experience the joys of new growth, new birth, & new scents & feels here in TN is still like an 'E' ride at Disney. (You have to be really old to recall the old ticket books from DisneyLand, where the rides went from the Baby 'A' rides to the death defying 'E' rides.)

The cats are all sprawled across the back porch, trying to find some coolness in the timbers there. As far as I can figure, they sleep 23 hrs a day, & then run laps around our bedroom from 4-5 am. What a life. And for these spoiled-rotten feline, we will make the 1/2 hr trek to the next town to buy the only food they will eat. Factoring in the $3 a gal gas price, they are sooo walking a thin line here.

The baby bird living precariously up over the front porch light is growing by leaps & bounds. Little gray feathered head pops up to take a peek at us occasionally. He'd better watch it.. he lost his brother when he tried the same trick..
And mama bird will dive bomb our heads if she thinks we're getting too close. So we've limited out front porch setting until the little one fledges.
More babies are living in the bow of the canoe (that sits belly up on top of the travel trailer).
I just hope they develop their wanderlust before our next camping soiree.

The bunnies-in-the-clover are getting braver, widening their circles of exploration everyday. So brave in fact, to come nibble on my gladiolas.. dang 'em. But how can you stay mad at those furry bowling balls?

And yes, I still have about 50 things listed on my 'Honey-do' list for us to make the cabin more hospitable & welcoming. But I refuse to let that get in the way of just breathing in this clean mtn air, drinking straight from my pristene well (via the tap, of course), & seeing how many mountain ranges I can count on any given day (so far, I've topped out at 11). We sit atop the 12th. In numerolgy 12=3, the number of 'balance'.. & that pretty much describes life here on the homesite.. very balanced.
Sounds beautiful! Glad you're enjoying the seasons - your mountain view sounds incredible.
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