
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday Morning Comin' Down..

We had some much needed rain here in east TN. I can finally stop the 'rain dance' for awhile & just enjoy nature's bounty.
Box turtles are everywhere on the roads.. going back to their birthplaces to hook up w/ the opposite sex. Seems incestuous I know.. sort of like attending a family reunion looking for a date.
The hummingbirds are very active. I noted a 5-way 'fight' for the feeder yesterday. Territorial little fellows.
Gray squirrels are eating us out of house & home at the backyard feeder. But they won't eat Brie. So don't even try. Gouda was fine.. maybe it's a France thing.
We have a wild turkey feeder out at the back pasture line. Haven't seen any feathered friends, but I'll bet the rodents are saying, 'To whom do we owe this bounty??'
Golden finches are all over those thistle bags at the front yard feeder. It must be like 'weed' to them, because they practically fly loop-de-loops after nibbling there. They'll bypass suet, sunflower seeds, & fruit.. for a shot at the thistles.
The indigo blue buntings are back (I have no idea where they vacationed). Books tell us that they are actually black-feathered, but the prism of the light creates the startling vivid blue color. Sounds like more 'junk science' to me.. I know blue when I see it.
The cats are all well. Playing 'sneak attack' on each other & running laps during the 1 hour that they're awake. I was awakened this morning w/ Tabitha sitting on my chest.. geez, I thought I was having a heart attack.. such heaviness. She's the 1/2 cat who only allows us to see her when 'she' decides. So I guess I should feel honored. She likes her people horizontal.
My sweet man is putting me in a new sink today.
Does life get any better than that?
Am I the same woman who once had to have a day long shopping spree followed by a night of frantic dancing, to feel fully alive?
My, my.. how the worm does turn.
Ha! As I was reading this I kept thinking, "I never knew Sande would be this into nature and solitude" - so your last few sentences made me smile. :)

Your place, and your life, sound so amazing!
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