
Friday, November 03, 2006

Hacking Democracy

I hope that EVERYone got to see the HBO documentary last night, 'Hacking Democracy'.. it was fantastic! A little grandma from Seattle,Bev Harris, stumbles onto the software code for Diebold's voting machines & takes it to the public. Her website www.blackboxvoting.org will give you more background.
She simply proved that they system was vulnerable to just about every kind of cheating & malfeasance . Hackers could change the entire vote w/i 10 seconds! And still states are paying $22M-55M to be set up w/ these faulty machines.
Remember back in '99 when the CEO of Diebold promised Bush that he would 'deliver' the vote.. well he certainly did! In silver ribbons.. Even to the point of subtracting 160K+ votes in one FL county alone.
Bev Harris & her group took loads of dumpster trash from these election centers to prove both the 2000 & 2004 elections were stolen.
And now we have the smirky Bush & Rove saying they aren't worried about the midterm elections.. 'It'll come thru for us'. You hell betcha it will, because it's already a hacked-done-deal!
will tell you a little more about it.

How does this make me feel? Like NOT voting.. why bother. Like getting the hell out of this police state, where the populace is too blind to see the sorry shape we're in.
Our votes were the last vestige of hope we have for changing this regime. And yet, we'll place our heads back into the sand, & watch that 'right' go away just as quickly & completely as all the others did.

RIP America..
I think that citizens just continue to ignore this sort of evidence because it's scary. Even when faced with PROOF that voting is rigged, we will continue to ignore it ... because if we accept it, then we also have to accept that we have a corrupt government. And that is too much for a lot of people to swallow. It's so much easier, for sanity's sake, to dismiss individuals like Bev Harris as "crazy" or "sh*t stirrers" rather than to admit that something stinks in Washington.

Has it always been like this? Are all Administrations this bad? Have Republicans always been so devious? The only pres I remember vividly is Clinton, and I just don't remember things being like this. I remember charisma, I remember proactive diplomacy, I remember allies, I remember being liked.

Agreed: RIP, America.
I'm more disallisioned than I thought I could ever get,, I really didn't think it was that bad. I don't think I can hear anymore.. I mean, what difference does it make anymore, as you both have said b/c Most Americans don't care b/c they aren't affected unless Gas prices are high or their family is in Iraq... everyone is so apathetic... it makes me want to give up too b/c nothing happens w/ the letter writing, the calls, the protests, the voting,, so WTF??!! It's all just a dictatorship anyway in disguise. Let's go to Costa Rica or somewhere.
Crap. Now I'm really depressed after Julie's comments. It's true. It's tough not to give up.

I see your Costa Rica and raise you a Scotland! :)
I hear that Costa Rica is over developed & that the new hot spots are Panama & the Dominican republic (all the movie stars are buying up property there)
I'm so disillusioned at this point, I'm wondering how any of us can make a difference.
Unfortunately, democracy died the day Habeas Corpus was ditched. HB was the foundation on which Magna Carta was founded, and althought we've had rogues and vandals in power over here, the one thing they have not dared do is touch the foundation stone of democracy and justice.

I fear fo America.
We are indeed, the laughing stock of the world. Someone spoke on one of the Sunday morning news shows, that perhaps we should do what we did for Iraq.. paper ballots & inked fingers. At least it would stop the 'extra' voting.
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