
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

well, good god!


And let's have a moment of silence for the demise of what OU thought was going to be a title winning year. Damn you, Cinderella team Boise State! Why'd you have to be so mean?? And tough? And talented? And just so darned cute, in your little orange & blues. We wuz robbed.

Is this a Monday to anyone else but me?
I didn't watch much of the Neverending Funeral on TV.. but I did catch some of Tom Brokaw's eulogy. That man still rocks.. & should be behind the desk on CBS. (shoo Katie..shoo)

Here's a sobering thought. My little sister who was 7 yrs old at my first wedding, is now asking me questions about menopause. What was that 500 mph streak that just went by? Ohhhhhhh... it was Life.

The pups have picked up a new weapon in their arsenal of beating up on each other; as they fight, they'll 'whine' so piteously that the other one will stop, to see if it has indeed inflicted this kind of pain. Then the whiner will go for the jugular, mentally yelling 'Psyche!' to the duped one. They both have it down to a perfection.. reminds me of fights w/ my little sister. Only she always beat the socks off me, so my whine was for real. I learned to cry loud, & early.. to avoid an ass-kicking.

It's a slow news day here on rocky top. If I'm not careful, I may end up w/ time to exercise.. egads.
The Onion is always great for a chuckle. But I have to say your story about the pups in relation to your childhood is what truly cracked me up!!
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