
Saturday, August 04, 2007

Out of control Army


More & more I am becoming disillusioned w/ the Army. I'm a past Army dependent, so I know many of the inner workings.. & so much of it would disgust you.
But today's 'all volunteer' soldiers are being led down a slippery slope.. one they may never recover from, when they become your neighbors out in the real world.
It's a sad state of affairs. How can Bushit sleep at night?

Good grief!

Re, GAY: Amazing. They'll allow suspected gang members to remain in the forces, but remove a guy on the suspicion of homosexuality? Not to mention the screwed up train of thought that follows that: a gay man is a threat to the troops because he has the potential to rape them. Yet, these are the same officials who promote male officers who rape their female counterparts.


Re, TILLMAN: This Administration is sooooooooooo deceitful. Maybe politics has always been this bad, but this just seems so much worse than ever. I truly hope that no matter what political party, we can gain some truth & trust in our president again.
With regard to the gay story, it seems ro say more about the unit he was in and the way it was led and commanded, than about Mastromarino.

As for your lieing government. The more I read the internet, the more I come to the conclusion that what we are seeing an exposure of a hidden reality. For more years than can possibly be counted, western governments have been controlled, most often covertly, but on occasion quite overtly, but a small but not insignificant elite. The problem is that the internet has helped to expose them and there actions, and thereby hangs the problem.

What we are seeing now is an increased desperation on the part of the 'haves' to hold on. This is why Bush can, quite freely and openly, lie to his country and lead his country to evermore desperate actions. The question is, what can be done.

To alesser degree, we in the UK are a mirror image of what is happening in the US, - it just so happens to be a lot more covert.

The bottom line is "follow the money". Who benefits when there is a war? Who gains where there is conflict? Which companies gained the most after 9/11? And who paid for it?
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