
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Rainmaker

Farken Fay. She rained on my parade for the upcoming week-end. We had planned for months to take the RV (Unicoi) on her virgin 2-man/2-dog journey to High Falls State Park outside of Atlanta, GA., for a fun-packed 4 days camping extravaganza w/ Angi & the kids. And now we sit broken-hearted, because Fay is doing fey damage to all things fun.
Yeah, we need the rain, yeah, it's a drought, yeah, the well went dry.. boo hoo. I WANNA CAMP, DAMMIT!
So now, the grandkids will have to placate themselves on a toy shopping spree at Target's. I know that will not be nearly as much fun as dunking their mom in a muddy creekbed, or fighting skunks & raccoons out of your tent at night. Or picking gravel out of the burger that fell off the grill (5 second rule).. or discovering no toilet paper in the outhouse, at the most inopportune time. Those are things that memories are made of. Not shiny new Transformers & Barbies. Poor lil kids..
I will be the grumbling old wambat sitting on the front porch watching the humidity rise & the barometer fall. I will shake my fist at the sky & possibly flip Fay off.
Who knows..
Then on Sunday we will connect Unicoi to her dinghy (please God, let the homemade towbar work!) & off we will go (hopefully w/ Toyota successfully attached) to Jackson, MS for a week of work for Dan. While we're there (a whole week of camping!) we will host a cookout for good friends Sharon & Dimitri & their kids. We had fun w/ them here, when they came to visit last week.
I'll get over my mad spell then. But for now, my parade is a washout.. & I will not go gently into that bad storm.
Farken Fay.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Monday, August 18, 2008

It's true.. I'm running..

Saturday, August 09, 2008

The element of Surprise


When I listen to this guy speak.. I am Buddhist.. he personifies 'peace' to me.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Gone With the Wind

I wish I had some David O. Selznick Tara theme music streaming here.. but alas I do not.

** Pre-warning: Be aware the following discourse is full of parentheses & ... (dot, dot,dots) Why? (because it's my perogative) and (I love them...)

Aren't dreams just the funniest things? Take mine.. please!
I was whisked back in time to the Civil War. A little dittie we southerners called the 'Wah-betwain-the-Staytes'. Don't get me started on southern accents. With very little encouragement I can go Paula Deen on yer ass, & it would melt you like buttah...
So, okay, here I am with a couple of girlfriends, in a POW tent, after Gen. Sherman has burned down Atlanta. We have barely escaped with the clothes on our back, & a tent full of bedroom furniture. I suppose we carried those pieces on our backs. We are trying to sew our families jewelry into the hems of our long gowns. Suddenly the tent is invaded by the damn Yankees. They choose my 2 girlfriends to take away as spoils of the war. Fiddle-dee-dee! Imagine my embarassment at being left.
Here I was with an albino boy (no, he did not play a banjo), & an elderly gentlemen (I assume the young virile guys were otherwise engaged on the battlefield). I was supposed to repopulate the South with this??
I did what any southern belle w/ grits would do.. I went to redesigning my bedroom furniture. (Did I tell you how much HGTV effects my life? It even influences my dreams, y'all)
So here I am trying to glue decorative ceramic tiles to my furniture.. & the glues won't hold it. I go back & forth to Lowes like 3 times before finding the good glue. Meanwhile, I have an aging Martha Stewart sticking her wattled neck into the tent chastising me for improper gluing of the tiles.. letting me know that they were all popping off. I told her to go pester Rachel Ray, I didn't need her help!

Finally the glue is working, & all is well in my world.
Did we win the war? Did I bear strange children from all that glue usage? We'll never know, because I woke up.
I pretty much know that the South won, because we do have that determined fashion & design sense (the ability to accessorize separates us from the animals.. & the North). Perhaps my tiled bedroom suite lives on as a Hidden Potential, for those who Design on a Dime, or those who wonder, My House is Worth What? We all want to be Design Stars, no? If These Walls Could Talk, I know what they'd say..
'you watch too much TV girl'..
I wonder what happened to my girlfriends? Did they fare as well as I? Will Rhett Butler do the right thing by me? Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn. And as God is my witness.. tomorrow is another day!

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