
Thursday, September 04, 2008

A few facts..

After last night's lying lovefest for Pale-in..

Here speach was entertaining but it was nothing more that a series of one liners or sound bites. There is know recognition or undertanding of how complicated the real world it. Some indepth argumentation would go a long way to show she has the right stuff.

Her monatonal dead pan delivery invited comic immitations.
Another comment for those who think the US can be energy independent. First start by stop buying Canadian oil (we supply 20% of the US oil. Now convince yourself that you can be energy self sufficient.

We are a foreign country, not an American pantry. This would slow down the tar sands heavy oil extraction that is so injurious to the environment.

The time has long past when the discussion should center on how we can use LESS rather than expoint more.
I'm beginning to think it should be mandatory for an independent 3rd party (maybe the BBC or CBC) to come in and publish fact-checks after each political ad or speech. So much is twisted, taken out of content, or just flat-out lied about.
TPITS, you are spot on.. her speech sounded like she was reading bumper stickers verbatim.

Miss World, that's a great idea.. we send politicos to monitor other countries elections & 'facts'.. why not invite the independents to monitor us!
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