About Me
- Name: sandegaye
- Location: Tellico Plains, Tennessee, United States
I am a spiritual being having a physical experience. I love delving into the inner world & learning all I can about why I'm here & where I'm going. My mother, now transitioned to another plane, was a Cherokee shaman. She taught me the meaning of 'Namaste'.. meaning 'I recognize the God in you', and 'Nokomis'.. meaning 'Walk in Beauty', a Navajo term, that tells us to walk in balance with all of earth. My father, also transitioned, was a fun-loving Irishman who taught me the joy of risktaking, traveling, & living life to its fullest. I have hopefully taken the best of their offerings in forming the 'me' I am today. I am the mother of six, grandmother of five, stepmother of 2 more & step-gram for 6 more. My cup is full & running over..;o) My goal is to live 'juicy'!
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Welcome to Chaos, TN..

Look what has happened since 8:00 a.m. yesterday morning.. aiyeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
All the furniture & wall hangings had to be removed, so that the realty company (after 1 & 1/2 yrs of waiting), can replace the floor. Which turned out to be mildewed, rotted, & hidden! So we're relegated to the guest room, the animals are in mass confusion as to where to potty (ugh), & the rest of the house & porch bear all the crapola.
What the hell, let's have some champagne!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
In a better place..
One can only hope that Hussein is in a better place, w/ perfect knowledge now.
It is all that any of us can hope for after death.
As I type, my bedroom floor is being torn out.(hopefully for new replacement) The 20 boxes of xmas decorations are lined up on the back porch, for possible packing into the barn by St Paddy's Day at the latest. My post-cruise wash is done..yay for small progresses.
We're starting a new potty regime w/ the pups today.. lots of walks in the pasture. Tessa loves walking on the lead. Poor Mojito things he's being hung by the neck until dead.
Gross analogy there.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Here comes '07..
The let-down after vacation is palpable. Not to mention the fact that I haven't had time to come up with some nifty New Years Resolutions. No trekking Kilimanjaro.. no speaking before the UN Assembly.. no entering rehab simply because it's the chi-chi thing to do. No.. those things have been so 'done'. So I guess I'll have to go with the same ones I've salvaged from each year since '98.
1) Start a spiritual retreat.
2) Learn Italian.
3) Lose some lbs.
That about covers Mind, Body, & Spirit, right?
Maybe this will be the year..
What I'd like to see happen in '07:
1) Bush impeached & carried away in a striped uniform to the Hague.
2) Someone in office take global warming seriously. Gore can't carry this alone.
3) Pharmaceuticals get their asses sued, & judges making it stick.
4) Same thing for tobacco.
5) Same thing for insurance companies.
6) Same thing for Donald Trump & his Miss USA 'ho Tara.
7) Cindy Sheehan to run for office.
8) All the soldiers to come home NOW!
9) Gloria Steinem & Jane Fonda to become my BFF's. ;o)
10) Enlightenment.
Now, is that asking too much? Ok then, eliminate #6.. & just let Rosie take care of that jerkwad.
Happy New Years folks! It can only get better..
Friday, December 15, 2006
Getting closer..
This will be my last post until after vacation.. back on the 27th!
Merry Christmas y'all!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
JibJab's Year in review
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
WWJD.. Who would Jenna Date?
Saturday, December 09, 2006
We'll miss the McKinney's in congress..
She dissented against the war, even when it labeled her unpatriotic.
Drummed out of congress, it'll be interesting to see where she goes.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Staying the 'deadly' course..
(& it's just Dec 6th!)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Yet more proof...
Those conspiracy theories are sounding more real all the time!